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Original & Cover Songs
Original & Cover Songs
Original & Cover Songs

Meet the heart-over-head folk-pop singer-songwriter: ☾✦

Jess Irvine
Apr 14, 2021
Slow and Simple
Sometimes it feels good to just slow things right down. To simplify. To bring it all back to basics. To flow. To breathe deeply. To...

Jess Irvine
Apr 12, 2021
Everything Is Unfolding Perfectly
There's nothing quite like a day spent de-cluttering the house and pouring over old memories and keepsakes to remind you of just how far...

Jess Irvine
Apr 10, 2021
The Call to Growth
Discomfort can be a wonderful thing. Boredom, frustration, un-ease. Often these feelings are signs, showing us where we are being called...

Jess Irvine
Apr 7, 2021
Tossing Away the Adulting Handbook
In a recent blog post, I mentioned that I had my heart set on a Play-Doh kit. You read right...a Play-Doh Kit! One of my favourite things...

Jess Irvine
Apr 6, 2021
Shaking Up The Energy
It still amazes me how much a simple walk outside can help me to process my emotions and naturally move from a funky state into a more...

Jess Irvine
Apr 5, 2021
Happy Monday (Moon Day)
Astrology shows us that each day of the week is ruled by a different planets. In fact, three of the days of the week are actually named...

Jess Irvine
Apr 3, 2021
A Really Good Day
I wrote the following in the Notes section of my phone on a nature walk...while the sun was setting...on what was a really good day. It’s...

Jess Irvine
Apr 3, 2021
Dancing with Delight
My Hot Cross Bun feast featuring Nodo's amazing GF Hot Cross Buns!! xx I am just feeling so incredibly grateful to simply be alive right...

Jess Irvine
Apr 2, 2021
Better Than You Ever Could Have Imagined
As I write this, it is 5am. The kookaburras and all other kinds of birds are beginning to stir. The sun is on her way. And I find myself...

Jess Irvine
Apr 1, 2021
You Are Allowed To Be Happy
I have a new mantra. It goes like this: "You are allowed to be really, really happy - no matter what." I'm aware that this new mantra of...

Jess Irvine
Mar 31, 2021
A Love Letter to Autumn
Dear Autumn, I know that we haven't always had the greatest of friendships. Well, that's being unfair to you really. You have always been...

Jess Irvine
Mar 30, 2021
The Beginning of A Blog (Start Here)
Hello beautiful human! Thank you so much for stopping by. As the title of this post would suggest: this is indeed the beginning of a...

Jess Irvine
Mar 9, 2021
Astrology Talk: Soul Purpose
Astrology time! One of my favourite aspects about a Natal Chart (Astrology) is the North Node. Where your North Node sits reveals what...

Jess Irvine
Mar 2, 2021
You Are A Masterpiece
I have been singing for as long as I could talk. My favourite thing to do as a young girl was to learn the songs and dance routines from...

Jess Irvine
Jan 18, 2021
You are Divine & Expansive
Stop putting yourself in a box! You divine, EXPANSIVE human. Stop limiting yourself to labels that will never truly capture the miracle...

Jess Irvine
Jan 11, 2021
Thoughts from a Recovering Perfectionist
I really like it when things go well. When everything looks beautiful and I am awash with clarity and calm. When things go...
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